05 May Looking to perfect your resume? Highlight these key skills
Recruitment for Summer 2021 Internships are ramping up! While this may be your first time applying and interviewing for internships, know that it is natural to feel slightly anxious. However, the more you prepare the more confident you will feel, which will enhance your performance and allow you to outshine the competition.
Your resume should be an excellent representation of your skills and experience. Most employers understand that you may not have extensive professional experience. If you do not have prior internship experience don’t sweat it, as it isn’t indicative of your ability to perform well. Focus on highlighting the leadership skills you have developed through active participation in campus groups, programs, and memberships organizations. Below are key competencies that you might want to highlight on your resume:
1. Effective Communication – this is your ability to communicate clearly and professionally. Draw attention to how your prior experiences exemplify your communication skills.
Example: “As the Vice President of the Consultant Team at ABC University I encouraged reluctant team members to share their perspective” Another example: “As the Student Relations Housing President, I actively listened to student concerns by recognizing and responding to their complaints.”
2. Relationship Building – highlight your ability to build relationships within teams.
Example: “As a volunteer for A Greener Tomorrow I leveraged my relationship with the organization’s Director and persuaded her to partner with local homeless shelters to help reduce hunger.”
3. Problem Solving – showcase your critical thinking skills and ability to provide solutions.
Example: As the Student Philanthropic Committee Co-chairperson. To broaden our donor pool, I crafted a proposal to increase university alumni donor engagement emphasizing the benefits of their support to the community.
Following these guidelines will help you make the proper introduction to your potential employer and solidify an interview. SEO Career offers interview preparation, including resume support to all Edge participants, to help students put their best foot forward. We encourage participants to reach out to their coach for advice when applying for an internship. If you are looking to gain a competitive edge in the recruitment process, visit www.seocareer.org/apply to learn more and apply.