No other organization provides this standard of coaching and training. That’s why for over 40 years SEO Career has been the premier professional development program, offering a diverse pipeline of talent for banking and Fortune companies.
Partners can request
as little as 1 or as many
as 100+ interns
4–16 weeks virtual training per participant
Once placed, interns receive an additional 60 hours internship specific training
86% of interns receive
full-time offers
Targeted career track focus:
Alternative Investments/Investment Banking, Markets, Finance, Corporate Services, Technology, and Real Estate
Nationwide talent pool
120 schools and universities including Ivy Leagues, HBCUs, State and City Colleges
Curated resume books
Based on your needs
Fully vetted students
7,000 – 8,000 applicants annually with
GPAs of 3.2+
Synchronous recruitment
Timeline specifically aligned with your schedule
Full-time recruiting team
Including extended virtual reach via our relationships with key stakeholders
Partner hosted events
To raise awareness of your organization
Help close the opportunity gap.
Connecting Talent to Opportunity
*SEO Career Intern and Diversity Insights Report, 2020
of interns
would recommend SEO Career to their peers
of partners
would recommend SEO Career to other companies
See what else SEO Career has to offer:
SEO provides us with some of the highest potential, diverse early career talent. SEO interns come to Citi incredibly prepared and desk-ready with a good grasp of technical skills.
Ingrid Giordano, Global Early Career Campus Recruiting and Program Management Head, Citi
News & Events
Reflections from a CEO – International Women’s Day
SEO Portfolio: Unlocking Opportunity Part II
To request more information about how you can become an SEO Career partner and access high-achieving underserved undergraduates, please fill out the form below. We’ll be in touch shortly!
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